This sample belongs to: Noah McLean

Sample Unique Identifier = NMM000011 (Detail)
Aliquot Unique Identifier = Deprecated
Aliquot Name = zircon
Analysis Purpose = SingleAge
Laboratory Name = MIT Isotope Lab
Analyst Name = Noah McLean
Aliquot Reference = NONE
Aliquot Instrumental Method = ID-TIMS
Aliquot Instrumental Method Reference = NONE
Calibration Uncertainty 206/238 = 0.0000
Calibration Uncertainty 208/232 = 0.0000
CalibrationUncertainty 207/206 = 0.0000
Aliquot Comment = NONE

Sample Metadata
Stratigraphic Formation Name = NONE
Stratigraphic Geologic Age (Ma) = NONE ( 0 Ma - 0 Ma )
Stratigraphic Minimum Absolute Age (Ma) = 0.0
Stratigraphic Maximum Absolute Age (Ma) = 0.0
Detrital Type = NONE

Sample Date Models
Value: 65952876.30417220294475555419921875
Uncertainty Type: ABS
One Sigma: 27486.642944118633749894797801971435546875
Mean Squared Weighted Deviation: 0
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty: 54973.28588823726749978959560394287109375
PlusInternal Two Sigma Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty:
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty: 62557.5655899823250365443527698516845703125
Plus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty:
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty: 94231.03598747242358513176441192626953125
Plus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty:

Included Fractions Vector:

Explanation: Explanation
Comment: Comment
Preferred: true

Alph Pb Models:
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
MIT Daly 0.0025 ABS 0.0002

Analysis Fractions
Sample Name = SGC-63
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z8
Grain ID = z8
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 27, 2016 5:10 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt 3-24 TPBs v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00097 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r238_235s 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r265_267m 0.99007 PCT 0.00434
r270_265m 0.40323 PCT 0.007
r270_267m 0.39923 PCT 0.00738
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 1.0
tracerMassInGrams 0.0144 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00038 PCT 0.36469
r206_204m 1,170.64071 PCT 0.3616
r206_205m 0.4472 PCT 0.02122
r206_207m 17.32297 PCT 0.06179
r206_208m 10.52344 PCT 0.05934
r207_204m 67.56106 PCT 0.36553
r207_205m 0.02582 PCT 0.06435
r208_204m 111.22147 PCT 0.37047
r208_205m 0.0425 PCT 0.05795
r233_235m 0.99007 PCT 0.00434
r238_233m 0.40323 PCT 0.007
r238_235m 0.39923 PCT 0.00738

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.01104 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.01105 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04785 ABS 0.00011
r207_206r_Pa 0.04785 ABS 0.00011
r207_206r_Th 0.04778 ABS 0.00011
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04778 ABS 0.00011
r207_235r 0.07279 ABS 0.00018
r207_235r_Pa 0.07278 ABS 0.00018
r208_206r 0.07046 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.47194 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.47179 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.47038 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.47023 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.35008 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.34996 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.34835 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.34824 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 70.762 Ma ABS 0.025 Ma
age206_238r_Th 70.864 Ma ABS 0.025 Ma
age207_206r 90.753 Ma ABS 5.639 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 90.601 Ma ABS 5.641 Ma
age207_206r_Th 87.318 Ma ABS 5.644 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 87.167 Ma ABS 5.646 Ma
age207_235r 71.34 Ma ABS 0.174 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 71.336 Ma ABS 0.174 Ma
bestAge 70.765 Ma ABS 0.025 Ma
percentDiscordance 22.02738

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 23.49392 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.22047 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 1,537.20497 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04785 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 13.73883 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 90.60042 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 1,893.46509 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-63
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z25
Grain ID = z25
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 27, 2016 5:10 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt 3-24 TPBs v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00105 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r238_235s 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r265_267m 0.9892 PCT 0.00871
r270_265m 0.5471 PCT 0.01214
r270_267m 0.54119 PCT 0.01228
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 1.0
tracerMassInGrams 0.0119 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00038 PCT 0.71512
r206_204m 1,610.34855 PCT 0.73977
r206_205m 0.60929 PCT 0.02607
r206_207m 18.23625 PCT 0.08636
r206_208m 14.44253 PCT 0.0814
r207_204m 88.23811 PCT 0.72392
r207_205m 0.03341 PCT 0.08874
r208_204m 111.49516 PCT 0.74157
r208_205m 0.04219 PCT 0.07928
r233_235m 0.9892 PCT 0.00871
r238_233m 0.5471 PCT 0.01214
r238_235m 0.54119 PCT 0.01228

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.0111 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.01111 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04768 ABS 0.0001
r207_206r_Pa 0.04767 ABS 0.0001
r207_206r_Th 0.04761 ABS 0.0001
r207_206r_ThPa 0.0476 ABS 0.0001
r207_235r 0.07291 ABS 0.00018
r207_235r_Pa 0.0729 ABS 0.00018
r208_206r 0.05119 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.71064 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.7104 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.70997 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.70973 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.59363 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.59337 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.59296 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.5927 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 71.132 Ma ABS 0.034 Ma
age206_238r_Th 71.236 Ma ABS 0.034 Ma
age207_206r 82.211 Ma ABS 5.07 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 82.059 Ma ABS 5.072 Ma
age207_206r_Th 78.734 Ma ABS 5.075 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 78.582 Ma ABS 5.077 Ma
age207_235r 71.453 Ma ABS 0.169 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 71.449 Ma ABS 0.169 Ma
bestAge 71.133 Ma ABS 0.034 Ma
percentDiscordance 13.47574

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 31.85421 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.16016 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 2,114.49971 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04768 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 13.71635 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 90.12695 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 1,890.36721 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-63
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zM13
Grain ID = zM13
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 27, 2016 5:10 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt 3-24 TPBs v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00111 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r238_235s 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r265_267m 0.98994 PCT 0.00347
r270_265m 0.46195 PCT 0.005
r270_267m 0.4573 PCT 0.0045
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 1.0
tracerMassInGrams 0.0144 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00063 PCT 0.29574
r206_204m 769.7812 PCT 0.30767
r206_205m 0.48143 PCT 0.01881
r206_207m 15.61328 PCT 0.06243
r206_208m 10.79747 PCT 0.04244
r207_204m 49.30257 PCT 0.3103
r207_205m 0.03084 PCT 0.06221
r208_204m 71.31 PCT 0.29986
r208_205m 0.04459 PCT 0.04495
r233_235m 0.99387 PCT 0.00347
r238_233m 0.46195 PCT 0.005
r238_235m 0.45912 PCT 0.0045

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.01027 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.01028 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04762 ABS 0.00018
r207_206r_Pa 0.04762 ABS 0.00018
r207_206r_Th 0.04755 ABS 0.00018
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04754 ABS 0.00018
r207_235r 0.06738 ABS 0.00027
r207_235r_Pa 0.06738 ABS 0.00027
r208_206r 0.05127 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.64673 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.64664 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.64542 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.64533 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.58077 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.58068 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.57942 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.57933 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 65.849 Ma ABS 0.027 Ma
age206_238r_Th 65.953 Ma ABS 0.027 Ma
age207_206r 79.396 Ma ABS 9.05 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 79.232 Ma ABS 9.052 Ma
age207_206r_Th 75.642 Ma ABS 9.059 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 75.478 Ma ABS 9.061 Ma
age207_235r 66.214 Ma ABS 0.261 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 66.209 Ma ABS 0.261 Ma
bestAge 65.849 Ma ABS 0.027 Ma
percentDiscordance 17.06199

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 13.43815 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.1608 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 902.5565 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04762 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 14.84041 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 97.39735 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,045.28372 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-63
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zS17
Grain ID = zS17
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 27, 2016 5:10 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt 3-24 TPBs v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00115 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r238_235s 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r265_267m 0.98823 PCT 0.00341
r270_265m 0.71348 PCT 0.00319
r270_267m 0.70509 PCT 0.00426
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 1.0
tracerMassInGrams 0.0163 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00051 PCT 0.52135
r206_204m 1,543.98118 PCT 0.52858
r206_205m 0.79406 PCT 0.01839
r206_207m 18.05071 PCT 0.07494
r206_208m 14.9359 PCT 0.10496
r207_204m 85.53626 PCT 0.50127
r207_205m 0.04399 PCT 0.07531
r208_204m 85.53626 PCT 0.50127
r208_205m 0.05317 PCT 0.10394
r233_235m 0.99215 PCT 0.00341
r238_233m 0.71348 PCT 0.00319
r238_235m 0.70789 PCT 0.00426

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.01106 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.01107 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04749 ABS 0.00009
r207_206r_Pa 0.04749 ABS 0.00009
r207_206r_Th 0.04742 ABS 0.00009
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04742 ABS 0.00009
r207_235r 0.07236 ABS 0.00016
r207_235r_Pa 0.07236 ABS 0.00016
r208_206r 0.04696 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.5703 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.57005 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.5693 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.56905 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.44863 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.4484 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.4476 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.44738 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 70.885 Ma ABS 0.024 Ma
age206_238r_Th 70.989 Ma ABS 0.024 Ma
age207_206r 72.808 Ma ABS 4.745 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 72.655 Ma ABS 4.748 Ma
age207_206r_Th 69.306 Ma ABS 4.749 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 69.153 Ma ABS 4.752 Ma
age207_235r 70.94 Ma ABS 0.149 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 70.936 Ma ABS 0.149 Ma
bestAge 70.886 Ma ABS 0.024 Ma
percentDiscordance 2.64183

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 28.15619 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.14734 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 1,878.68191 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04749 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 13.81906 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 90.44312 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 1,904.52199 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-63
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zS18
Grain ID = zS18
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 27, 2016 5:10 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt 3-24 TPBs v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00094 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r238_235s 137.8185 ABS 0.02232
r265_267m 0.98774 PCT 0.00302
r270_265m 0.72384 PCT 0.00406
r270_267m 0.71496 PCT 0.00353
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 1.0
tracerMassInGrams 0.0134 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00047 PCT 0.39199
r206_204m 1,686.71516 PCT 0.40737
r206_205m 0.79722 PCT 0.0119
r206_207m 18.269 PCT 0.04221
r206_208m 11.25181 PCT 0.0411
r207_204m 92.32441 PCT 0.38598
r207_205m 0.04364 PCT 0.04096
r208_204m 149.84127 PCT 0.38321
r208_205m 0.07086 PCT 0.04336
r233_235m 0.98774 PCT 0.00302
r238_233m 0.72384 PCT 0.00406
r238_235m 0.71496 PCT 0.00353

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.01096 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.01098 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04762 ABS 0.00008
r207_206r_Pa 0.04761 ABS 0.00008
r207_206r_Th 0.04755 ABS 0.00008
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04754 ABS 0.00008
r207_235r 0.07195 ABS 0.00013
r207_235r_Pa 0.07195 ABS 0.00013
r208_206r 0.0712 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.68216 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.68174 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.68009 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.67968 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.57729 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.57685 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.57467 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.57424 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 70.295 Ma ABS 0.022 Ma
age206_238r_Th 70.397 Ma ABS 0.022 Ma
age207_206r 79.213 Ma ABS 3.913 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 79.059 Ma ABS 3.917 Ma
age207_206r_Th 75.75 Ma ABS 3.917 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 75.596 Ma ABS 3.921 Ma
age207_235r 70.551 Ma ABS 0.126 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 70.546 Ma ABS 0.126 Ma
bestAge 70.296 Ma ABS 0.022 Ma
percentDiscordance 11.25763

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 32.09559 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.22278 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 2,092.37629 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04762 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 13.89805 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 91.20563 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 1,915.40895 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-63
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zS21
Grain ID = zS21
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 27, 2016 5:10 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt 3-24 TPBs v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00107 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.8185 ABS 0.0223
r238_235s 137.8185 ABS 0.0223
r265_267m 0.9912 PCT 0.00313
r270_265m 0.27276 PCT 0.00775
r270_267m 0.27036 PCT 0.0078
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 1.0
tracerMassInGrams 0.01 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00051 PCT 0.33157
r206_204m 557.91315 PCT 0.33469
r206_205m 0.28595 PCT 0.03739
r206_207m 14.28373 PCT 0.09534
r206_208m 9.05738 PCT 0.14397
r207_204m 38.99229 PCT 0.38149
r207_205m 0.02002 PCT 0.10314
r208_204m 61.4692 PCT 0.35829
r208_205m 0.03156 PCT 0.14213
r233_235m 0.99514 PCT 0.00313
r238_233m 0.27276 PCT 0.00775
r238_235m 0.27144 PCT 0.0078

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.0103 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.01032 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04795 ABS 0.00026
r207_206r_Pa 0.04794 ABS 0.00026
r207_206r_Th 0.04787 ABS 0.00026
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04787 ABS 0.00026
r207_235r 0.06808 ABS 0.00039
r207_235r_Pa 0.06808 ABS 0.00039
r208_206r 0.05492 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.58266 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.58262 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.58145 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.58141 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.51046 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.51042 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.50927 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.50924 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 66.082 Ma ABS 0.038 Ma
age206_238r_Th 66.185 Ma ABS 0.038 Ma
age207_206r 95.516 Ma ABS 12.824 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 95.354 Ma ABS 12.826 Ma
age207_206r_Th 91.798 Ma ABS 12.836 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 91.636 Ma ABS 12.838 Ma
age207_235r 66.88 Ma ABS 0.371 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 66.875 Ma ABS 0.371 Ma
bestAge 66.081 Ma ABS 0.038 Ma
percentDiscordance 30.81562

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 10.07501 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.17223 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 678.83303 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04795 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 14.68769 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 97.05264 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,024.23588 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-63
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zS22
Grain ID = zS22
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 27, 2016 5:10 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt 3-24 TPBs v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00117 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.8185 ABS 0.0223
r238_235s 137.8185 ABS 0.0223
r265_267m 0.99097 PCT 0.00335
r270_265m 0.33287 PCT 0.00646
r270_267m 0.32988 PCT 0.00645
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 1.0
tracerMassInGrams 0.01 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00041 PCT 0.39337
r206_204m 910.06539 PCT 0.39826
r206_205m 0.36958 PCT 0.02373
r206_207m 16.48236 PCT 0.08061
r206_208m 10.30689 PCT 0.06672
r207_204m 55.2114 PCT 0.39689
r207_205m 0.02242 PCT 0.08133
r208_204m 88.29913 PCT 0.41165
r208_205m 0.03586 PCT 0.06438
r233_235m 0.99491 PCT 0.00335
r238_233m 0.33287 PCT 0.00646
r238_235m 0.33119 PCT 0.00645

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.01101 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.01103 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04775 ABS 0.00015
r207_206r_Pa 0.04775 ABS 0.00015
r207_206r_Th 0.04768 ABS 0.00015
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04768 ABS 0.00015
r207_235r 0.07248 ABS 0.00024
r207_235r_Pa 0.07248 ABS 0.00024
r208_206r 0.06476 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.55211 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.552 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.5507 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.5506 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.45876 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.45867 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.45728 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.45719 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 70.61 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
age206_238r_Th 70.713 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
age207_206r 85.895 Ma ABS 7.439 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 85.743 Ma ABS 7.442 Ma
age207_206r_Th 82.439 Ma ABS 7.446 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 82.287 Ma ABS 7.448 Ma
age207_235r 71.05 Ma ABS 0.229 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 71.046 Ma ABS 0.229 Ma
bestAge 70.607 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
percentDiscordance 17.79515

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 17.76284 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.20317 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 1,172.71242 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04775 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 13.79684 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 90.79673 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 1,901.45982 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-63
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zS30
Grain ID = zS30
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 27, 2016 5:10 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt 3-24 TPBs v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00109 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.8185 ABS 0.0223
r238_235s 137.8185 ABS 0.0223
r265_267m 0.99138 PCT 0.00314
r270_265m 0.25325 PCT 0.0076
r270_267m 0.25106 PCT 0.00643
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 1.0
tracerMassInGrams 0.01 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00058 PCT 0.32001
r206_204m 533.15039 PCT 0.33401
r206_205m 0.31033 PCT 0.02474
r206_207m 14.00326 PCT 0.09059
r206_208m 7.5626 PCT 0.08218
r207_204m 38.07652 PCT 0.33043
r207_205m 0.02216 PCT 0.09177
r208_204m 70.50481 PCT 0.34262
r208_205m 0.04104 PCT 0.08246
r233_235m 0.99533 PCT 0.00314
r238_233m 0.25325 PCT 0.0076
r238_235m 0.25206 PCT 0.00643

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.01203 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.01205 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04788 ABS 0.00026
r207_206r_Pa 0.04787 ABS 0.00026
r207_206r_Th 0.04781 ABS 0.00026
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04781 ABS 0.00026
r207_235r 0.07938 ABS 0.00046
r207_235r_Pa 0.07938 ABS 0.00046
r208_206r 0.07377 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.68291 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.68287 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.68175 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.68171 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.62898 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.62895 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.62778 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.62774 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 77.091 Ma ABS 0.041 Ma
age206_238r_Th 77.193 Ma ABS 0.041 Ma
age207_206r 92.135 Ma ABS 12.973 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 91.996 Ma ABS 12.975 Ma
age207_206r_Th 88.998 Ma ABS 12.984 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 88.859 Ma ABS 12.986 Ma
age207_235r 77.563 Ma ABS 0.435 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 77.559 Ma ABS 0.435 Ma
bestAge 77.088 Ma ABS 0.041 Ma
percentDiscordance 16.32797

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 9.53519 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.23157 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 632.87273 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04788 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 12.59738 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 83.12163 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 1,736.15224 ABS 0.0

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