This sample belongs to: Noah McLean

Sample Unique Identifier = NMM000006 (Detail)
Aliquot Unique Identifier = Deprecated
Aliquot Name = zircon
Analysis Purpose = SingleAge
Laboratory Name = MIT Isotope Lab
Analyst Name = Noah McLean
Aliquot Reference = NONE
Aliquot Instrumental Method = ID-TIMS
Aliquot Instrumental Method Reference = NONE
Calibration Uncertainty 206/238 = 0.0000
Calibration Uncertainty 208/232 = 0.0000
CalibrationUncertainty 207/206 = 0.0000
Aliquot Comment = NONE

Sample Metadata
Stratigraphic Formation Name = NONE
Stratigraphic Geologic Age (Ma) = NONE ( 0 Ma - 0 Ma )
Stratigraphic Minimum Absolute Age (Ma) = 0.0
Stratigraphic Maximum Absolute Age (Ma) = 0.0
Detrital Type = NONE

Sample Date Models
Value: 49377251.822236172854900360107421875
Uncertainty Type: ABS
One Sigma: 16124.201898060642633936367928981781005859375
Mean Squared Weighted Deviation: 1.0457746886552945486670296304509975016117095947265625
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty: 32248.40379612128526787273585796356201171875
PlusInternal Two Sigma Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty:
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty: 40491.938734355950145982205867767333984375
Plus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty:
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty: 66494.89122250428772531449794769287109375
Plus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty:

Included Fractions Vector:

Explanation: Explanation
Comment: Comment
Preferred: true

Alph Pb Models:
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
MIT Daly 0.0025 ABS 0.0002

Analysis Fractions
Sample Name = SGC-54
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = L1b
Grain ID = L1b
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:36 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00099 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99227 PCT 0.0029
r270_265m 0.10169 PCT 0.01023
r270_267m 0.1009 PCT 0.01038
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0118 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00049 PCT 0.30774
r206_204m 177.14502 PCT 0.30138
r206_205m 0.08676 PCT 0.04702
r206_207m 8.59806 PCT 0.11161
r206_208m 3.67498 PCT 0.08865
r207_204m 20.60344 PCT 0.29806
r207_205m 0.01009 PCT 0.11576
r208_204m 48.20443 PCT 0.30761
r208_205m 0.02361 PCT 0.08
r233_235m 0.99623 PCT 0.0029
r238_233m 0.10169 PCT 0.01023
r238_235m 0.1013 PCT 0.01038

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00801 ABS 0.00002
r206_238r_Th 0.00803 ABS 0.00002
r207_206r 0.04633 ABS 0.00116
r207_206r_Pa 0.04633 ABS 0.00116
r207_206r_Th 0.04624 ABS 0.00115
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04624 ABS 0.00115
r207_235r 0.05115 ABS 0.00129
r207_235r_Pa 0.05115 ABS 0.00129
r208_206r 0.10092 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.20666 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.20666 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.20584 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.20584 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.13352 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.13353 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.13288 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.13289 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 51.437 Ma ABS 0.097 Ma
age206_238r_Th 51.537 Ma ABS 0.097 Ma
age207_206r 13.772 Ma ABS 59.943 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 13.553 Ma ABS 59.951 Ma
age207_206r_Th 9.091 Ma ABS 60.002 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 8.873 Ma ABS 60.01 Ma
age207_235r 50.654 Ma ABS 1.248 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 50.65 Ma ABS 1.248 Ma
bestAge 51.437 Ma ABS 0.097 Ma
percentDiscordance -273.49171

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 3.10971 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.3153 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 217.14802 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04633 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 19.54961 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 124.82768 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,694.28786 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-54
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = s5z
Grain ID = s5z
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:36 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00108 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.98993 PCT 0.00516
r270_265m 0.45428 PCT 0.00772
r270_267m 0.4497 PCT 0.00778
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0114 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00061 PCT 0.33257
r206_204m 582.09563 PCT 0.33971
r206_205m 0.35626 PCT 0.02602
r206_207m 14.35911 PCT 0.08251
r206_208m 4.55283 PCT 0.04308
r207_204m 40.44294 PCT 0.32183
r207_205m 0.02482 PCT 0.08403
r208_204m 127.73204 PCT 0.32111
r208_205m 0.07825 PCT 0.04779
r233_235m 0.99387 PCT 0.00516
r238_233m 0.45428 PCT 0.00772
r238_235m 0.45149 PCT 0.00778

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00767 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.00769 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04782 ABS 0.00034
r207_206r_Pa 0.04781 ABS 0.00034
r207_206r_Th 0.04773 ABS 0.00034
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04772 ABS 0.00034
r207_235r 0.05055 ABS 0.00037
r207_235r_Pa 0.05055 ABS 0.00037
r208_206r 0.16844 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.24461 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.24459 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.2436 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.24358 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.15622 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.15622 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.15527 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.15527 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 49.265 Ma ABS 0.033 Ma
age206_238r_Th 49.359 Ma ABS 0.033 Ma
age207_206r 89.135 Ma ABS 17.101 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 88.917 Ma ABS 17.105 Ma
age207_206r_Th 84.592 Ma ABS 17.118 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 84.374 Ma ABS 17.121 Ma
age207_235r 50.077 Ma ABS 0.359 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 50.072 Ma ABS 0.359 Ma
bestAge 49.265 Ma ABS 0.033 Ma
percentDiscordance 44.7304

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 11.09048 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.52619 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 686.11384 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04782 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 19.78057 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 130.35352 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,726.11852 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-54
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = s10
Grain ID = s10
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:36 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00106 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99096 PCT 0.00287
r270_265m 0.30391 PCT 0.00504
r270_267m 0.30116 PCT 0.00526
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0153 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00038 PCT 0.41079
r206_204m 623.56879 PCT 0.41915
r206_205m 0.23682 PCT 0.02081
r206_207m 15.11734 PCT 0.11029
r206_208m 6.36575 PCT 0.10716
r207_204m 41.24997 PCT 0.42561
r207_205m 0.01567 PCT 0.09643
r208_204m 97.96361 PCT 0.44624
r208_205m 0.03721 PCT 0.09585
r233_235m 0.9949 PCT 0.00287
r238_233m 0.30391 PCT 0.00504
r238_235m 0.30236 PCT 0.00526

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00768 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.0077 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04736 ABS 0.0003
r207_206r_Pa 0.04736 ABS 0.0003
r207_206r_Th 0.04727 ABS 0.0003
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04726 ABS 0.0003
r207_235r 0.05013 ABS 0.00033
r207_235r_Pa 0.05012 ABS 0.00033
r208_206r 0.11151 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.23945 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.23942 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.23844 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.23841 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.15306 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.15305 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.15219 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.15218 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 49.318 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
age206_238r_Th 49.417 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
age207_206r 66.462 Ma ABS 15.247 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 66.242 Ma ABS 15.25 Ma
age207_206r_Th 61.672 Ma ABS 15.262 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 61.451 Ma ABS 15.266 Ma
age207_235r 49.665 Ma ABS 0.316 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 49.661 Ma ABS 0.316 Ma
bestAge 49.318 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
percentDiscordance 25.79546

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 12.67805 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.34831 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 819.76774 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04736 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 19.94852 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 130.2115 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,749.26559 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-54
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = s21
Grain ID = s21
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:36 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00117 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99016 PCT 0.00478
r270_265m 0.44597 PCT 0.00668
r270_267m 0.44158 PCT 0.00716
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.01 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00051 PCT 0.34969
r206_204m 679.95295 PCT 0.37573
r206_205m 0.3481 PCT 0.01801
r206_207m 15.2477 PCT 0.11879
r206_208m 6.3079 PCT 0.05235
r207_204m 44.33238 PCT 0.39323
r207_205m 0.02283 PCT 0.11992
r208_204m 107.83079 PCT 0.37084
r208_205m 0.05516 PCT 0.05171
r233_235m 0.9941 PCT 0.00478
r238_233m 0.44597 PCT 0.00668
r238_235m 0.44334 PCT 0.00716

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00767 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.00768 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04733 ABS 0.0003
r207_206r_Pa 0.04733 ABS 0.0003
r207_206r_Th 0.04724 ABS 0.0003
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04723 ABS 0.0003
r207_235r 0.05003 ABS 0.00032
r207_235r_Pa 0.05002 ABS 0.00032
r208_206r 0.11428 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.34478 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.34474 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.34394 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.34391 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.25983 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.25981 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.25912 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.2591 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 49.251 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
age206_238r_Th 49.35 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
age207_206r 64.906 Ma ABS 14.992 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 64.684 Ma ABS 14.996 Ma
age207_206r_Th 60.118 Ma ABS 15.007 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 59.897 Ma ABS 15.011 Ma
age207_235r 49.568 Ma ABS 0.313 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 49.563 Ma ABS 0.313 Ma
bestAge 49.251 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
percentDiscordance 24.11872

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 12.83815 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.35696 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 827.95524 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04733 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 19.98883 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 130.38927 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,754.81997 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-54
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zS1
Grain ID = zS1
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:36 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00102 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99034 PCT 0.00393
r270_265m 0.38072 PCT 0.00698
r270_267m 0.37704 PCT 0.00691
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0104 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00047 PCT 0.35983
r206_204m 686.48357 PCT 0.39216
r206_205m 0.32217 PCT 0.02585
r206_207m 15.42721 PCT 0.08131
r206_208m 9.22795 PCT 0.05402
r207_204m 44.49928 PCT 0.39448
r207_205m 0.02089 PCT 0.08193
r208_204m 74.42347 PCT 0.39839
r208_205m 0.03492 PCT 0.05676
r233_235m 0.99428 PCT 0.00393
r238_233m 0.38072 PCT 0.00698
r238_235m 0.37854 PCT 0.00691

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00834 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.00835 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04701 ABS 0.00028
r207_206r_Pa 0.04701 ABS 0.00028
r207_206r_Th 0.04692 ABS 0.00028
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04692 ABS 0.00028
r207_235r 0.054 ABS 0.00034
r207_235r_Pa 0.054 ABS 0.00034
r208_206r 0.06384 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.3714 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.37136 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.37086 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.37082 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.28055 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.28053 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.28021 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.28019 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 53.51 Ma ABS 0.033 Ma
age206_238r_Th 53.613 Ma ABS 0.033 Ma
age207_206r 48.713 Ma ABS 14.456 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 48.507 Ma ABS 14.459 Ma
age207_206r_Th 44.103 Ma ABS 14.471 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 43.898 Ma ABS 14.474 Ma
age207_235r 53.406 Ma ABS 0.326 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 53.401 Ma ABS 0.326 Ma
bestAge 53.51 Ma ABS 0.033 Ma
percentDiscordance -9.84898

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 12.62993 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.19947 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 851.53626 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04701 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 18.51706 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 119.97136 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,551.98401 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-54
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zs3
Grain ID = zs3
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:36 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00093 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99011 PCT 0.00411
r270_265m 0.38664 PCT 0.00532
r270_267m 0.38281 PCT 0.00552
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0131 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.0004 PCT 0.42435
r206_204m 959.30666 PCT 0.43306
r206_205m 0.38159 PCT 0.02089
r206_207m 16.60233 PCT 0.06953
r206_208m 9.11505 PCT 0.06085
r207_204m 57.80443 PCT 0.4456
r207_205m 0.02299 PCT 0.06653
r208_204m 105.23219 PCT 0.44215
r208_205m 0.04187 PCT 0.06179
r233_235m 0.99405 PCT 0.00411
r238_233m 0.38664 PCT 0.00532
r238_235m 0.38434 PCT 0.00552

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.0098 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.00981 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04795 ABS 0.0002
r207_206r_Pa 0.04795 ABS 0.0002
r207_206r_Th 0.04787 ABS 0.0002
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04787 ABS 0.0002
r207_235r 0.06473 ABS 0.00028
r207_235r_Pa 0.06472 ABS 0.00028
r208_206r 0.07925 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.30251 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.30247 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.3019 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.30186 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.20068 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.20065 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.20021 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.20019 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 62.837 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
age206_238r_Th 62.938 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
age207_206r 95.676 Ma ABS 9.892 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 95.506 Ma ABS 9.894 Ma
age207_206r_Th 91.837 Ma ABS 9.9 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 91.667 Ma ABS 9.903 Ma
age207_235r 63.685 Ma ABS 0.265 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 63.68 Ma ABS 0.265 Ma
bestAge 62.837 Ma ABS 0.029 Ma
percentDiscordance 34.32354

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 18.8393 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.24781 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 1,242.8505 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04795 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 15.44914 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 102.09101 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,129.16983 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-54
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zS11
Grain ID = zS11
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:36 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00098 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99142 PCT 0.00245
r270_265m 0.21654 PCT 0.00611
r270_267m 0.21469 PCT 0.00612
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0124 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00045 PCT 0.39816
r206_204m 381.12934 PCT 0.40663
r206_205m 0.17075 PCT 0.02146
r206_207m 12.7117 PCT 0.10924
r206_208m 7.26716 PCT 0.05158
r207_204m 29.9681 PCT 0.44207
r207_205m 0.01342 PCT 0.11625
r208_204m 52.47424 PCT 0.42116
r208_205m 0.02349 PCT 0.0566
r233_235m 0.99537 PCT 0.00245
r238_233m 0.21654 PCT 0.00611
r238_235m 0.21554 PCT 0.00612

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00767 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.00769 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04665 ABS 0.00052
r207_206r_Pa 0.04665 ABS 0.00052
r207_206r_Th 0.04656 ABS 0.00052
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04655 ABS 0.00052
r207_235r 0.04933 ABS 0.00057
r207_235r_Pa 0.04933 ABS 0.00057
r208_206r 0.0575 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.29262 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.29261 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.2918 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.29179 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.21989 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.21989 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.21926 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.21926 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 49.274 Ma ABS 0.043 Ma
age206_238r_Th 49.377 Ma ABS 0.043 Ma
age207_206r 30.444 Ma ABS 26.926 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 30.219 Ma ABS 26.931 Ma
age207_206r_Th 25.394 Ma ABS 26.955 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 25.168 Ma ABS 26.96 Ma
age207_235r 48.897 Ma ABS 0.547 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 48.892 Ma ABS 0.547 Ma
bestAge 49.274 Ma ABS 0.043 Ma
percentDiscordance -61.8496

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 6.92582 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.17958 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 478.16624 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04665 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 20.26983 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 130.32856 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,793.54811 ABS 0.0

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