This sample belongs to: Noah McLean

Sample Unique Identifier = NMM000008 (Detail)
Aliquot Unique Identifier = Deprecated
Aliquot Name = zircon
Analysis Purpose = SingleAge
Laboratory Name = MIT Isotope Lab
Analyst Name = Noah McLean
Aliquot Reference = NONE
Aliquot Instrumental Method = ID-TIMS
Aliquot Instrumental Method Reference = NONE
Calibration Uncertainty 206/238 = 0.0000
Calibration Uncertainty 208/232 = 0.0000
CalibrationUncertainty 207/206 = 0.0000
Aliquot Comment = NONE

Sample Metadata
Stratigraphic Formation Name = NONE
Stratigraphic Geologic Age (Ma) = NONE ( 0 Ma - 0 Ma )
Stratigraphic Minimum Absolute Age (Ma) = 0.0
Stratigraphic Maximum Absolute Age (Ma) = 0.0
Detrital Type = NONE

Sample Date Models
Value: 48158324.855150394141674041748046875
Uncertainty Type: ABS
One Sigma: 15769.0846491534248343668878078460693359375
Mean Squared Weighted Deviation: 1.1467374854784069260205114915152080357074737548828125
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty: 31538.169298306849668733775615692138671875
PlusInternal Two Sigma Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty:
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty: 38788.604522813824587501585483551025390625
Plus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty:
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty: 64418.58785765222273766994476318359375
Plus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty:

Included Fractions Vector:

Explanation: Explanation
Comment: Comment
Preferred: true

Alph Pb Models:
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
MIT Daly 0.0025 ABS 0.0002

Analysis Fractions
Sample Name = SGC-2
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = s3z
Grain ID = s3z
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:18 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00118 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.98841 PCT 0.003
r270_265m 0.69348 PCT 0.00419
r270_267m 0.68544 PCT 0.00414
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0104 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.0006 PCT 0.29283
r206_204m 881.74861 PCT 0.3043
r206_205m 0.52691 PCT 0.01874
r206_207m 16.28336 PCT 0.05139
r206_208m 10.96132 PCT 0.05028
r207_204m 54.151 PCT 0.30616
r207_205m 0.03235 PCT 0.04957
r208_204m 80.44355 PCT 0.31035
r208_205m 0.04806 PCT 0.05226
r233_235m 0.98841 PCT 0.003
r238_233m 0.69348 PCT 0.00419
r238_235m 0.68544 PCT 0.00414

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00748 ABS 0.0
r206_238r_Th 0.0075 ABS 0.0
r207_206r 0.04701 ABS 0.00023
r207_206r_Pa 0.04701 ABS 0.00023
r207_206r_Th 0.04691 ABS 0.00023
r207_206r_ThPa 0.0469 ABS 0.00023
r207_235r 0.04849 ABS 0.00024
r207_235r_Pa 0.04849 ABS 0.00024
r208_206r 0.0551 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.27156 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.27151 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.27085 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.2708 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.17728 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.17725 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.17679 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.17676 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 48.07 Ma ABS 0.023 Ma
age206_238r_Th 48.174 Ma ABS 0.023 Ma
age207_206r 48.661 Ma ABS 11.472 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 48.432 Ma ABS 11.476 Ma
age207_206r_Th 43.491 Ma ABS 11.484 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 43.262 Ma ABS 11.488 Ma
age207_235r 48.081 Ma ABS 0.231 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 48.077 Ma ABS 0.231 Ma
bestAge 48.07 Ma ABS 0.023 Ma
percentDiscordance 1.21506

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 15.39914 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.17206 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 1,042.28421 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04701 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 20.62194 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 133.60595 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,842.07501 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-2
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = s4z
Grain ID = s4z
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:18 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00113 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99185 PCT 0.00396
r270_265m 0.19921 PCT 0.0118
r270_267m 0.19759 PCT 0.01178
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0094 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.0006 PCT 0.36368
r206_204m 281.05372 PCT 0.37189
r206_205m 0.16911 PCT 0.03281
r206_207m 10.677 PCT 0.11837
r206_208m 5.44638 PCT 0.10484
r207_204m 26.28366 PCT 0.33552
r207_205m 0.01583 PCT 0.11773
r208_204m 51.48436 PCT 0.36981
r208_205m 0.03105 PCT 0.09847
r233_235m 0.99581 PCT 0.00396
r238_233m 0.19921 PCT 0.0118
r238_235m 0.19838 PCT 0.01178

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00812 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.00813 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04824 ABS 0.00073
r207_206r_Pa 0.04824 ABS 0.00073
r207_206r_Th 0.04814 ABS 0.00073
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04814 ABS 0.00073
r207_235r 0.05396 ABS 0.00083
r207_235r_Pa 0.05395 ABS 0.00083
r208_206r 0.07061 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.23433 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.23433 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.23357 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.23357 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.15549 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.1555 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.15493 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.15494 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 52.109 Ma ABS 0.065 Ma
age206_238r_Th 52.211 Ma ABS 0.065 Ma
age207_206r 109.958 Ma ABS 35.957 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 109.754 Ma ABS 35.962 Ma
age207_206r_Th 105.304 Ma ABS 35.992 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 105.1 Ma ABS 35.997 Ma
age207_235r 53.361 Ma ABS 0.804 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 53.356 Ma ABS 0.804 Ma
bestAge 52.109 Ma ABS 0.065 Ma
percentDiscordance 52.6102

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 4.777 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.2206 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 331.39271 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04824 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 18.53298 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 123.21168 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,554.17872 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-2
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = s9z
Grain ID = s9z
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:18 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00106 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99045 PCT 0.0045
r270_265m 0.37603 PCT 0.0073
r270_267m 0.37244 PCT 0.00761
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0093 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00062 PCT 0.24508
r206_204m 467.97357 PCT 0.25448
r206_205m 0.28903 PCT 0.02203
r206_207m 13.41652 PCT 0.07195
r206_208m 6.68848 PCT 0.05965
r207_204m 34.85873 PCT 0.26188
r207_205m 0.02151 PCT 0.06957
r208_204m 69.96863 PCT 0.26209
r208_205m 0.04323 PCT 0.06091
r233_235m 0.99439 PCT 0.0045
r238_233m 0.37603 PCT 0.0073
r238_235m 0.37392 PCT 0.00761

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00748 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.00749 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04708 ABS 0.00043
r207_206r_Pa 0.04708 ABS 0.00043
r207_206r_Th 0.04698 ABS 0.00043
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04698 ABS 0.00043
r207_235r 0.04851 ABS 0.00045
r207_235r_Pa 0.04851 ABS 0.00045
r208_206r 0.08204 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.22673 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.22672 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.22591 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.2259 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.14597 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.14597 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.14535 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.14535 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 48.017 Ma ABS 0.037 Ma
age206_238r_Th 48.118 Ma ABS 0.037 Ma
age207_206r 52.196 Ma ABS 21.827 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 51.967 Ma ABS 21.832 Ma
age207_206r_Th 47.138 Ma ABS 21.85 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 46.909 Ma ABS 21.855 Ma
age207_235r 48.099 Ma ABS 0.436 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 48.094 Ma ABS 0.436 Ma
bestAge 48.017 Ma ABS 0.037 Ma
percentDiscordance 8.00649

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 8.18333 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.25621 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 549.49077 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04708 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 20.61423 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 133.75385 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,841.01183 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-2
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = s23z
Grain ID = s23z
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:18 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00109 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99071 PCT 0.00352
r270_265m 0.34703 PCT 0.0072
r270_267m 0.34381 PCT 0.00693
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0092 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00082 PCT 0.26523
r206_204m 388.36693 PCT 0.26871
r206_205m 0.31789 PCT 0.01747
r206_207m 12.31734 PCT 0.05508
r206_208m 6.81113 PCT 0.0562
r207_204m 31.53235 PCT 0.27538
r207_205m 0.02583 PCT 0.06204
r208_204m 57.15406 PCT 0.26244
r208_205m 0.04667 PCT 0.05929
r233_235m 0.99071 PCT 0.00352
r238_233m 0.34703 PCT 0.0072
r238_235m 0.34381 PCT 0.00693

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00884 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.00885 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04725 ABS 0.00054
r207_206r_Pa 0.04724 ABS 0.00054
r207_206r_Th 0.04716 ABS 0.00054
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04716 ABS 0.00054
r207_235r 0.05754 ABS 0.00067
r207_235r_Pa 0.05753 ABS 0.00067
r208_206r 0.0618 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.22559 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.22558 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.22489 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.22489 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.14939 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.14939 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.14887 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.14887 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 56.713 Ma ABS 0.052 Ma
age206_238r_Th 56.816 Ma ABS 0.052 Ma
age207_206r 60.573 Ma ABS 27.407 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 60.38 Ma ABS 27.411 Ma
age207_206r_Th 56.227 Ma ABS 27.432 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 56.034 Ma ABS 27.436 Ma
age207_235r 56.802 Ma ABS 0.645 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 56.798 Ma ABS 0.645 Ma
bestAge 56.713 Ma ABS 0.052 Ma
percentDiscordance 6.37242

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 6.34693 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.19316 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 437.88161 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04725 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 17.3805 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 113.16885 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,395.34603 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-2
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z22
Grain ID = z22
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:18 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00118 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.98962 PCT 0.00435
r270_265m 0.52529 PCT 0.00642
r270_267m 0.51984 PCT 0.00644
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0082 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.001 PCT 0.22057
r206_204m 406.82694 PCT 0.23289
r206_205m 0.40797 PCT 0.01571
r206_207m 12.48569 PCT 0.05385
r206_208m 6.41396 PCT 0.06181
r207_204m 32.52751 PCT 0.22142
r207_205m 0.03268 PCT 0.05698
r208_204m 63.32171 PCT 0.23507
r208_205m 0.06361 PCT 0.06426
r233_235m 0.98962 PCT 0.00435
r238_233m 0.52529 PCT 0.00642
r238_235m 0.51984 PCT 0.00644

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00748 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.00749 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04709 ABS 0.00052
r207_206r_Pa 0.04708 ABS 0.00052
r207_206r_Th 0.04699 ABS 0.00052
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04698 ABS 0.00052
r207_235r 0.04851 ABS 0.00055
r207_235r_Pa 0.04851 ABS 0.00055
r208_206r 0.07397 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.2269 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.2269 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.2261 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.22609 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.14953 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.14953 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.14893 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.14893 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 48.011 Ma ABS 0.043 Ma
age206_238r_Th 48.113 Ma ABS 0.043 Ma
age207_206r 52.551 Ma ABS 26.567 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 52.322 Ma ABS 26.572 Ma
age207_206r_Th 47.458 Ma ABS 26.595 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 47.229 Ma ABS 26.6 Ma
age207_235r 48.1 Ma ABS 0.531 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 48.096 Ma ABS 0.531 Ma
bestAge 48.011 Ma ABS 0.043 Ma
percentDiscordance 8.63828

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 6.58301 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.23101 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 448.77599 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04709 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 20.61356 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 133.76942 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,840.92023 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = SGC-2
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = zs5
Grain ID = zs5
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = January 23, 2016 4:18 PM
Mineral Name = zircon
Setting Type = grain mount
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = true
Chemically Purified UPb = true
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = Matt TPB 3-2-11 v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00092 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.022
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.022
r265_267m 0.99065 PCT 0.00366
r270_265m 0.30874 PCT 0.00655
r270_267m 0.30585 PCT 0.00658
rTh_Umagma 4.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.009 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00045 PCT 0.62591
r206_204m 521.34601 PCT 0.63093
r206_205m 0.23582 PCT 0.02179
r206_207m 14.21253 PCT 0.10133
r206_208m 7.1528 PCT 0.07934
r207_204m 36.67 PCT 0.62529
r207_205m 0.01659 PCT 0.09693
r208_204m 72.98123 PCT 0.60777
r208_205m 0.03296 PCT 0.07603
r233_235m 0.9946 PCT 0.00366
r238_233m 0.30874 PCT 0.00655
r238_235m 0.30707 PCT 0.00658

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.00749 ABS 0.00001
r206_238r_Th 0.0075 ABS 0.00001
r207_206r 0.04696 ABS 0.0004
r207_206r_Pa 0.04696 ABS 0.0004
r207_206r_Th 0.04686 ABS 0.0004
r207_206r_ThPa 0.04686 ABS 0.0004
r207_235r 0.04846 ABS 0.00042
r207_235r_Pa 0.04845 ABS 0.00042
r208_206r 0.08199 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.32504 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.32502 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.32409 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.32407 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.24927 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.24926 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.2485 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.24849 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 48.086 Ma ABS 0.034 Ma
age206_238r_Th 48.187 Ma ABS 0.034 Ma
age207_206r 46.191 Ma ABS 20.266 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 45.962 Ma ABS 20.27 Ma
age207_206r_Th 41.134 Ma ABS 20.288 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 40.904 Ma ABS 20.292 Ma
age207_235r 48.049 Ma ABS 0.408 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 48.044 Ma ABS 0.408 Ma
bestAge 48.086 Ma ABS 0.034 Ma
percentDiscordance -4.10302

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 9.75822 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.25605 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 651.75047 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.04696 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 20.6363 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 133.56076 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 2,844.05316 ABS 0.0

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